
Showing posts from April, 2013

Many times we worry so much about what we don't have that we forget to take the time to appreciate what we do have. We receive so many blessings in our lives on a daily basis, but many of us fail to recognize them. Even if you feel like you have hit rock bottom, remember there is always someone who is worse off. Even if you feel terribly discontent in your current situation, GOD has you there for a reason. Ask GOD to show you what HE has for you. Then seek to be content right where you are.

GOD never ceases to speak to us, but the noise of the world without and the tumult of our passions within bewilder us and prevent us from listening to HIM.

Everyday Life

While we are waiting on GOD, it is important for us to take our positions and stay faithful. Then, like Joseph, GOD will raise us up in HIS timing (see Genesis 39:2-5). Be faithful as you wait on GOD, do your work well, and people will see that GOD s hand is upon you for good.

We must be attentive not only to our actions, but also to our thoughts, imaginations, motives, and attitudes. GOD looks at these things because HE is a GOD of hearts. Whatever you do, make sure you have a right heart before the LORD, and you will reap abundant life instead of destruction.

Many people today are being destroyed for the simple reason that their hearts are not right before GOD. In their hearts they regard wickedness, they allow impure imaginations, and they think bad thoughts.

GOD wants us to freely choose to love and serve HIM. I hope that today you will make a fresh and willful commitment to love and serve GOD with all your heart.

Resist satan s attempts to control you. Tell him to get out, and he will leave. Then ask GOD to come closer to you. GOD will get as close as you will let HIM.

The LORD is faithful to all HIS promises and loving toward all HE has made.

The LORD is fair in everything HE does, and full of kindness. HE is close to all who call on HIM sincerely

Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens. Always be thankful, for this is GOD s will for you who belong to JESUS CHRIST.

LORD, through all the generations YOU have been OUR home! Before the mountains were created, before the earth was formed, YOU ARE GOD without beginning or end. Psalm 90:1,2

GOD doesn't show favoritism, but in every nation the person who fears GOD and does righteousness is acceptable to HIM. Acts 34:35

GOD is our refuge and strength,a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:7

Everyday Life

If you have fear in any area of your life today, allow JESUS love to replace it. The Bible says that "Perfect love casts out all fear." When you understand how much GOD loves you, when you truly understand all HE has saved you from, you won't have any reason to fear.

It doesn't matter what kind of problems you have. GOD knows what to do. I don't know what to do, but JESUS does. HE knows all about your case. HE made you. HE loves you and wants to bless you. All HE wants you to do is worship HIM for who HE is and praise HIM for what HE has done.

JESUS wants you to live an abundant life! GOD is full of mercy and compassion and understanding. (Psalm 86:15, 147:5.)

God wants to bless you. HE wants to meet all your needs and give you the desiresof your heart. Anything that GOD does for me, HE wants to do for you. Anything GOD does for anybody else, HE wants to do for you, too. Understand that!

Open your spirit to GOD. Set your heart and mind on HIM. GOD wants to bless you abundantly, and JESUS paid the price for you to have those blessings.

God is big enough to get the miracle for you that you need. God will do a miracle for you. There's only one JESUS, and that's the ONE you find in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in Bible. There is not another One. That's the only ONE there is, and HE is saying to the whole human race, "Come follow ME".

We need to learn to trust GOD when things get crazy. GOD is going to do wonders in your life, leading you places you have never been before. Go for it!

It is time we set ourselves apart to seek the LORD and find understanding.

The faithful love of the LORD never ends. HIS mercies never cease. Great is HIS faithfulness; HIS mercies begin afresh each morming.