
Showing posts from June, 2013

Regardless of what issues we face, past or present, good or bad, we can find the solution in the Word of GOD.

In Christ Alone: Ecclesiastes 7:14 tells us to be happy when times ...

Ecclesiastes 7:14 tells us to be happy when times are good and to realize when times are bad that GOD has made those days too. This verse is pointing to the Sovereignty of GOD controlling both the good and the bad, having a divine purpose for each.

In Christ Alone: Even mountains can fall into the sea, though that ...

Even mountains can fall into the sea, though that seems hard to imagine. Even good marriages can end when suffering is intense or one die, even solid careers can end; even beautiful friendships can go bad. But there is ONE who will never betray us, never move away, and never die. Nothing can shake HIM. JESUS is a Mighty Fortress.

In Christ Alone: Salvation is both an event and a process. We are s...

Salvation is both an event and a process. We are saved from the wrath of GOD when HE brings us to repentance and trust in HIS atoning work, but being saved from the habits of sin and false objects of trust takes time.

YouTube Mix (playlist)

YouTube Mix (playlist)

John Waller - While I'm Waiting [w/lyrics]

JESUS is our source of hope in the world. HIS conquest of death gives us confidence now and for the future. Colossians 1:27, Jeremiah 17:13.

JESUS was born in Bethlehem, which means "the house of bread." HE is our spiritual nourishment and the sustenance of the world. All things are kept alive by HIM. LIVING BREAD John 6:5, LIVING WATER John 7:37-38.

JESUS was at the beginning of creation and will be there to the end. HE is both the author of all that is and the one who sees HIS creation through to the end. Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13

JESUS CHRIST is the ALL-POWERFUL LORD. Nothing is beyond HIS reach or impossible for HIM. Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 24:8, 1 Timothy 6:15, 1 Corinthians 1:24.

We must forgive in order to progress and move forward in our lives. To forgive someone simple means to pardon them of an offense. To stop angry or resentful against. Forgiveness is actually a decision. It is an act of Love. Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:21-22. 1 Corinthians 13:8.

When we put the right things in our hearts, we will get the right results in our lives.

The fear of GOD prevents us from receiving HIS grace in vain. It keeps us from the desire to have a relationship with the world. Psalm 111:10.

We must come out from among the world's system and be separate. Hebrews 12:14-15.

GOD promises that if we cleanse ourselves from the filth of the world, HE would dwell in us in HIS glory. Hallelujah.

GOD is Spirit, and HIS ways are hidden from the wisdom of this natural world. ( John 4:24, 1 Corinthians 2:6-7.

In worship we lift our hearts and hands toward heaven and let go of everything on earth.

GOD wants your worship to be personal.

As you let the joy of the LORD rise in your heart, it crowds out fear, anxiety, and doubt.

The most important thing we do on this earth is worship GOD.

Do you struggle with depression? With negative thoughts? GOD Promises you joy. No matter what your circumstances, you can have joy in HIM JESUS. Philippians 4:4 says,"Rejoice in the LORD always. Again I will say, rejoice!" Rejoicing is not a option. And the truth is that the kind of rejoicing the Bible talks about often comes from a life of pain and hardship. But GOD's peace and joy will prevail. Philippians 4:6-7 says,"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to GOD; and the peace of GOD, which

I'm so glad you're GOD's friend, that you have the promise of HIS blessings in your life. In Psalm 16:1, David says of GOD, "YOU will show me the path of life, in YOUR presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. GOD will never fail you or change HIS mind about you. In HIS loving care you have a shelter in the storm and a haven when life bats you around. In HIS loving care you can have a generous heart because HE provides abundantly.

When your relationship with GOD takes precedence in your life, everything else falls into place.

GOD has promised to be with you always. That is why you can live in perfect peace.

GOD promises in HIS Word that we will not be forsaken or left alone. HE promises that HIS Word is eternal and will not pass away. In a World where things change in an instant, the WORD of GOD is the one thing on which we can stand that is changeless.

Cry out to GOD and HE will hear you (Psalm 18:1-6). When nobody else can hear, HE does. Another thing we must do is allow others in our lives. Don't push away people who love you.

GOD says that you are a special person. You are so special and valuable that HE sent HIS Son, JESUS CHRIST to die for your sins, and HE made it possible for the HOLY SPIRIT to come and dwell within you to remind you on a daily basis that you are a somebody in HIS eyes. You are valuable beyond measure to GOD!

GOD has a master plan for your life and that plan does not change. It is a plan designed specifically for you. It is a plan that GOD intends for you to live out fully, beginning at the moment of your birth and continuing on until the moment you go on to be with the LORD in heaven. GOD's plan for you has a purpose, a guidance plan, and a plan for blessing you. Your destiny is to be the person GOD has created you to be. Trust GOD to show you the plan HE has for your life. When you follow HIS plan and HIS way, blessing will follow. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths.

We need to accept what GOD gives us and be happy with our lives.