
Showing posts from September, 2013

Revelation will give you understanding of the mysteries of GOD.

GOD wants to reveal HIMSELF to you. GOD will open your eyes to the power of HIS covenant with you if you ask HIM to. Dig into the Word. Dig deep into the covenant. Know your covenant rights and what belongs to you and your family through JESUS CHRIST.

Don't live beneath your privileges. Believe and receive all you have as a result of the covenant you have through JESUS CHRIST.

You are not alone in life. You do not have to struggle alone in life. You will see many victories as you understand and walk in faith in GOD JESUS.

When you find your hope in the LORD, you cannot just keep it to yourself. You have to share it with others.

Ministry is what we do in the love of GOD to help other people, and to bring them into a relationship with HIM through JESUS CHRI

We cannot stand strong in the LORD, nor can we help others stand strong, if we don't allow the Spirit of GOD to be strong in us.

GOD wants to use you to help others and to point them to JESUS CHRIST.

The path to life is not all over the place. It is found by moving forward step by step with GOD.

Whenever you are not where GOD wants you to be, you are in danger.

The gate to life is found by walking a narrow path. You can only find it by walking according to the Word of GOD and following the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Our difficult times perfect us, and that's why we can never lose faith in GOD to do something great, no matter what is happening.

Everyday life:

Everyday life:

Everyday life:

Everyday life:

everyday life

Everyday life:

Our job is to love others as our heavenly FATHER JESUS CHRIST loves us, with a grace-filled, patient, forgiving love.