
Showing posts from October, 2013

You can overcome all the pressures and problems of the age we live in through JESUS CHRIST and sensitivity to HIS Spirit, HIS life and HIS compassion.

JESUS put the body together, but the joints hold it together. We play a big part of the coming together in the unity of our faith.

The Love of GOD never fails.

GOD'S power manifests in our lives as we believe and act on HIS Word.

GOD forgives sin but HE does not condone it.

We must become sensitive to the Spirit of GOD in order to bring HIS love and power to the lost and dying of this world.

When our thoughts are on ourselves we tend to remember our mistakes, our hurts, our shortcomings. Our confidence sinks when we focus on our own foibles. The truth is, we all have made foolish decisions and bad choices. We have all screwed up a time or two, and that's why focusing on ourselves only brings us down.

Money cannot buy family unity. That only comes from spending time with your family and giving them adequate love and attention. Colossians 3:18-21

There is more to life than money and things it can buy. Luke 12:15

There is more to a secure future than stockpiling money. After all, money can be stolen and it cannot cure disease or prevent death.Ecclesiastes 7:12.

GOD will not cross, and that line is our free will.

To be human is to be free, and to be free means we can either choose good or evil with their respective effects.

All suffering touches GOD. HE is aware of all the tears we cry and the sorrow, grief or anguish behind them. King David sang of GOD'S deep sympathy, "YOU keep track of all my sorrows. YOU have collected all my tears in YOUR bottle. YOU have recorded each one in YOUR book" Psalm 56:8.

GOD always and only wants us to choose good, but HE will not force us. GOD never wills evil or the pain that attends it. we do. Suffering is the by-product of human choices, not GOD'S. And that is the sobe reality of freedom.

FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SEL-CONTROL-qualities that help one to stay strong in life's challenges.

PATIENCE, KINDNESS, and GOODNESS-attitudes that bring warmth to every action.

LOVE, JOY, and PEACE - beautiful inner qualities that please GOD and touch lives.

"Do not be overcome with evil, but you overcome evil with good."