
Showing posts from May, 2016

You are not alone in life. You do not have to struggle alone in life. You will see many victories as you understand and walk in faith. Joshua1:8.

1) Choose to honor GOD in your home. 2) dedicate your home to the LORD with prayer and praise.

1) Choose to glorify GOD in our role as a parent. 2) Choose to live a godly life before our children. 1 Timothy 4:12.

Let not mercy and truth forsake you. Proverbs3:1-3.

You have to know the truth about JESUS. He is the truth. Isaiah 9:6, John16:23-24, 1 peter 2:9, John 4:23.

In order to produce good fruit in our lives, we have to plant the right seeds. John15:5.

You don't have to be perfect, but your heart must be right.

Our words will always reveal the condition of our heart.

Begin every day with GOD in prayer, in His Word, and in worship so that no matter what arises, you are more than ready.