
Showing posts from March, 2017

What's the Gospel? The Gospel is the good news that God is restoring our broken lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The fact that God is our refuge and strength doesn’t mean that we’re immune from troubles and problems. However, no problem, whether emotional, physical, or spiritual, is too big for God. If we will learn to take refuge in Him and lean on Him alone for strength, then we can face the most extreme crises. When trouble strikes, God is there to help you through.

As Christians this should be a comfort to us, knowing God is always with us. God will never forsake us and He will never leave us. All those who have placed their faith in Christ, will not be forsaken. Moreover, because of our faith in Jesus, God is with us always. Whenever trouble or trials arise, we can count on God to be there to guide us, comfort us and give us understanding and help.

Everyone is building their life on some kind of foundation. You either build on a solid and deep foundation or you build on a shallow and weak foundation. The moment you accept Jesus Christ into your life, your foundation turns from sand to stone. Through Christ, and Christ alone, we receive the strength to survive the storms of life.