
Thank YOU, GOD, that honor, majesty, strength, and joy are found in YOUR presence.



GOD created us so that HE could have a relationship with us.

GOD has shown HIS love for mankind in manifold ways.

Prayer: LORD, give us patience to grow together. Give us the wisdom we need to support and encourage each other in the areas of parenting and finances. Reveal the ways that we can change. AMEN.

As we trust in the LORD, HIS SPIRIT fills us and gives us power to be what GOD's Word encourages us to be.

when we become a Christian, we should no longer depend on our own strength to get through life. Day by day we learn to have Faith in GOD and find our security and significance in HIM.

JESUS is the source of life and SAVIOR of all mankind.

Examine my heart and my mind HEAVENLY FATHER. Show anything that I need to make right with YOU. AMEN.

LORD, help me to fix my thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable, things that are excellent and worthy of praise.