
You can't have Faith if you don't first have hope.

GOD is full of grace and mercy.

GOD is a GOD of completion. GOD will finish what HE started.

Begin again. Get your hopes up. Get your dreams back. GOD is saying, "it's time to start believing again. Start praying again. Start expecting good things again."

Our GOD is more than enough! Get a vision for that in your heart today.

GOD wants to pour out HIS blessings on you today.The more obedient you are, the more of HIS blessings you will see. GOD rewards people that fully obey.

whatever your step of Faith needs to be, take it today. As you do your part, GOD is ready to fight your battles for you.

"Have Faith in GOD.

"I realized that in order to change my habits, I needed to change my thinking"