
Let me encourage you it's not a tragedy to live in this generation. Your birth into the earth was not untimely. You are right on time.You are right where you belong. If you and I did not have what it takes to make it in this generation, GOD would have had us born at another time.

Time will always bring out the truth. The key is don't give up. Just keep on.

GOD´s Word works for everyone who will believe and apply it. Follow me on twitter, Facebook, Circle, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google........

GOD is good. Trust in HIM. Know that all is well. Say "GOD is good. GOD is good". Just leave in HIS Hands the present and the future, knowing only that HE is good. HE can bring order out of chaos, good out of evil, peace out of turmoil. GOD is good.

Never fear, never lose heart. Draw nigh to LORD JESUS, and in that nearness is all you need. GOD presence alone can transform conditions and lives bring Harmony and Beauty, Peace and Love.

Worship GOD, and HE will pay the bills.

One of the most important things in the world that you can do is learn how to praise the LORD JESUS.

Let worship come out of your mouth.

Sometimes in life you have these great big situations, these great big mountains to fly up over. You don't know how to handle it. That's okay because JESUS does. Don't worry about it.

You can overcome all the pressures and problems of the age we live in through JESUS CHRIST and sensitivity to HIS Spirit, HIS life and HIS compassion.