
Even when you make stupid mistakes, GOD still loves you.

GOD still promises to deliver you, restore you, and prosper you.

GOD will never fail you even when you fail HIM. HE crows your life with tender mercies and lovingkindness.

Keep your wants, your joys, your sorrows, your cares, and your fears before GOD.

Prayer is the opening of the heart to GOD as to a friend.

Fill the whole heart with the words of GOD. They are the living water, quenching your burning thirst.

GOD calls you to Love.

GOD can work in the lives of those who hear the good News. Scripture is designed to save souls, no matter what background those people come from.

The cross seems foolish to unbelievers but is the very center of the faith to those who believe. GOD's wisdom is way beyond the wisdom of man.

No one can know GOD and fail to know His Son.

You will grow as you learn to know GOD better and better.