
War, famine, poverty, death, and pestilence were coming. When you reject JESUS, you reject your only hope for peace and prosperity.

The only way you can experience the true peace of GOD is through His Son...."the Prince of peace" Isaiah 9:6. JESUS came preaching the "gospel of peace" Romans 10:15, Ephesians 6:15 or the gospel of peace, the gospel of the kingdom. So we have to repent and receive the gospel of peace.

Peace comes from GOD.

JESUS Christ is our peace. Favor is goodwill. Favor is God's living-kindness. Romans14:17.

Let's be real. As women we are always envious of other women. We compare ourselves to one another and always want what we don't have. What we forget is how beautiful God thinks we are. We were made to be unique. No one else was created the same. WE have to remind ourselves that we are fully pleasing to God. He has his eye on us and is in love with us. Sometimes we feel as though our self worth is determined by our looks. In this world looks mean a lot. People depend and judge on looks instead of our hearts. God doesn't! He looks deep into our hearts and calls us beautiful. Our self worth is what God says we are. Not the world. The world says tall walking sticks are beautiful, but what about the beauty of a full figured woman? God doesn't look at her any different than a skinny supermodel.

Let tomorrow worry about itself. Matt 6:34

“I have opened a door for you that no man can close. Revelation 3:8

“God will bring you through the fire. Psalm 66:12

Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5

“Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

“The Lord Himself watched over you. Psalm 121:5