
kindness is the light of life. Experience will give you the power and confidence to be you.

Be giving, forgiving, compassionate and loving.

“We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.” (Romans 3:22 NLT, second edition) Because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross, everything you’ve ever done wrong is forgiven. God forgives you freely, completely, instantly, and repeatedly.

Life is a flow of LOVE 💘; your participation is requested.

The voice of your soul is breath. You don't need LOVE, you are the LOVE. Use your head to live with heart.

Your greatest strength is LOVE. The purpose of life is to know yourself and love yourself and trust yourself and be yourself.

Happiness is actually an art of living. Which is in us. You will always live happy if you live with heart.

If you let yourself be successful, you shall be successful because your potential self is infinite.

God loves you. He loves you more than you can imagine. God made you in His own image and gave you salvation through the person of His Son Jesus Christ. what will you do in response to God's love? Will you ignore it or embrace it? Will you return it or neglect it? Will you deny it, or will you share it? These decisions, are yours and yours alone.

Be glad and claim the Joy that God has waiting for you! Wishing you a truly Bessed Holiday Season. "Much Love Everyone "

Compassion has no limit. Kindness has no enemy. May this day bring you peace, tranquility and harmony. Spread the light; be the lighthouse.