
Decide today to do everything you do with passion and to the glory of GOD . when you submit your whole life to GOD in obedience, your faith will come alive. Happy 😃 Sunday March 08, 2020. ❤️

God is a God of restoration. Search your heart and be very honest.

James said the tongue is evil, full of deadly poison, and "setteth on fire the course of nature " (James 3:6). In other words, James is telling us that the tongue is the source of many of our problems .

Trusting God sometimes means learning to rest in His silence. My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and salvation, my stronghold, I shall not be shaken. Amen. -Psalm. 62:5-6.

Agree with God by saying what His word says. As you do, you will rise up to live on the level of your confession. You are what God says you are. You can do what He says you can do. God has plans for you that are beyond your wildest dreams. God has planned for you to live in Victory!

Because Jesus suffered in so many ways, He understands perfectly your sorrows and your weaknesses. As the Son of God and Savior, He can help you in every situation: sickness, sin, personal sorrow such as the loss of a loved one, or uncertainty or doubt.

How to gain strength through JESUS CHRIST??? Bible stories teach us that we can draw on the strength of the Lord and feel the power of God in our lives through faith, prayer and fasting, and humility.

What is the desire of the heart of a good man? It is this, to know, and love, and live to God, to please Him and to be pleased in Him.

Make others feel valuable. -Romans 14:19. God loves us unconditionally and that means He accepts us the way we are and then helps us to be all we can be. God wants us to laugh, and He wants us to make other people laugh.

Lord, Beauty and discipline are not just about me. In this world obsessed with physical perfection there are so many hurting woman and girls. Help me show them how to find You. I praise You for making me so perfectly imperfect so people will know You are my source of peace, joy, and beauty.

Jesus does not come to rearrange the outside of our life the way we want. He comes to rearrange the inside of our life the way God wants.