
Let us pray together. 09/07/2016.

09/07/2016. GOD wants you to give your life to HIM completely.

09/07/2016. GOD wants you to obey HIM.

09/07/2016 GOD wants you to love HIM.

09/07/2016 The relationship with GOD.

For by GOD your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you. Proverbs 9:10-11. The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to avoid the snares of death. Proverbs 14:26-27. By humidity and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life. Proverbs22:4.

It is all grace.

"LORD, I thank You that You know the plans You have for me, plans of good and not of evil, plans of prosperity and not of calamity, to give me a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11. If you start to say this at the beginning of the day, you will have a good day- you will accomplish the things you set out to do.

We can attend services, come forward in answer to every altar call, read our Bibles daily, and attend every prayer meeting. We can preach great and motivating sermons, work hard in the ministry for years, and even receive the respect and admiration of our peers. But if we do not fear God, we are only climbing the rungs of the religious ladder.

Fix GOD Word in your heart and mind.