
🌋Happy New year 2019 🌋

Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5.

The LORD will give strength unto His people; the LORD will bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11.

John 14:27

Don't stress about closed doors behind you. New doors are opening if you keep moving forward.

Satisfied with your self don't compare yourself with any other because each and every one are unique in the eyes of the LORD.

"Good Morning Everyone. Happy Sunday, Much Love to All!!!" Mark 10:51 tells us, "And JESUS said to him, What do you want ME to do for you? And the blind man said to HIM, Master; let me receive my sight ". You see, GOD is not moved by need, HE is moved by faith. Even though JESUS knew what Bartimaeus needed, HE was waiting for a specific request and an expression of true faith. What do you really want?

Only the pure in heart are friends with God. We must ask ourselves, what purifies my heart ? My love for God ? The love for God awakens the desire to purify, but it alone does not purify the heart. We can say we love God with great affection, yet we may still love the world. This is the entrapment of millions in the church.