For women only

The more we understand the men in our lives, the better we can support and love them in the way they need to be loved.

A man's heart is powerfully touched by a few simple word: I'm so proud of you."

" I don't know one man who thinks he has all the answers when it comes to being a good father or husband."

For most men, the drive to provide is so deeply rooted that almost nothing can relieve their feeling of duty.

Men feel powerful when they provide. And they want to be depended on.

Providing is the key area where men experience the ongoing risk of failure. They get frustrated when we don't understand that particularly when they feel we are the source of some of the presure.

Ladies, we must face the fact that our mate feels caught, with few options, on provider issues. A man will internalize your disappointment as a personal failure to provide.

Being a support means helping to relieve the pressure they feel rather than adding to it.

At the most basic level, your man wants to be wanted.


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