
Showing posts from 2013

Is there a wall between you and a sister or brother in JESUS CHRIST? Have you done everything you can to humble yourself and, with no excuses for yourself, to go and make peace? Happy holidays you, your family, friends, and loves ones.

Our love and our hatred not only reveal if we are in the light or the darkness, but actually contribute to the light or darkness in which we already are.

A great Love knows that in every difficulty, every trial, every failure, the presence of the loved one suffices. Test your Love for GOD JESUS by this.

Abundance is GOD'S supply. Turn out all limited thoughts.

To see JESUS you must bring JESUS your cares and show JESUS your heart of trust.

Turn your eyes to behold JESUS.

Look unto JESUS, and you shall be saved. Regard JESUS as your only supply.

Come unto JESUS all ye that labour and are heavy laden and JESUS will give you rest.

Draw nigh to GOD and HE will draw nigh to you.

GOD in order to bring HIS love power to the lost and dying of this world for whom JESUS shed HIS precious blood, and to usher in HIS glory. Because of HIS Anointing on us and in us, millions of people will be healed,, delivered and swept into the kingdom of GOD to hear and obey the Holy Spirit..

Let me encourage you it's not a tragedy to live in this generation. Your birth into the earth was not untimely. You are right on time.You are right where you belong. If you and I did not have what it takes to make it in this generation, GOD would have had us born at another time.

Time will always bring out the truth. The key is don't give up. Just keep on.

GOD´s Word works for everyone who will believe and apply it. Follow me on twitter, Facebook, Circle, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google........

GOD is good. Trust in HIM. Know that all is well. Say "GOD is good. GOD is good". Just leave in HIS Hands the present and the future, knowing only that HE is good. HE can bring order out of chaos, good out of evil, peace out of turmoil. GOD is good.

Never fear, never lose heart. Draw nigh to LORD JESUS, and in that nearness is all you need. GOD presence alone can transform conditions and lives bring Harmony and Beauty, Peace and Love.

Worship GOD, and HE will pay the bills.

One of the most important things in the world that you can do is learn how to praise the LORD JESUS.

Let worship come out of your mouth.

Sometimes in life you have these great big situations, these great big mountains to fly up over. You don't know how to handle it. That's okay because JESUS does. Don't worry about it.

You can overcome all the pressures and problems of the age we live in through JESUS CHRIST and sensitivity to HIS Spirit, HIS life and HIS compassion.

JESUS put the body together, but the joints hold it together. We play a big part of the coming together in the unity of our faith.

The Love of GOD never fails.

GOD'S power manifests in our lives as we believe and act on HIS Word.

GOD forgives sin but HE does not condone it.

We must become sensitive to the Spirit of GOD in order to bring HIS love and power to the lost and dying of this world.

When our thoughts are on ourselves we tend to remember our mistakes, our hurts, our shortcomings. Our confidence sinks when we focus on our own foibles. The truth is, we all have made foolish decisions and bad choices. We have all screwed up a time or two, and that's why focusing on ourselves only brings us down.

Money cannot buy family unity. That only comes from spending time with your family and giving them adequate love and attention. Colossians 3:18-21

There is more to life than money and things it can buy. Luke 12:15

There is more to a secure future than stockpiling money. After all, money can be stolen and it cannot cure disease or prevent death.Ecclesiastes 7:12.

GOD will not cross, and that line is our free will.

To be human is to be free, and to be free means we can either choose good or evil with their respective effects.

All suffering touches GOD. HE is aware of all the tears we cry and the sorrow, grief or anguish behind them. King David sang of GOD'S deep sympathy, "YOU keep track of all my sorrows. YOU have collected all my tears in YOUR bottle. YOU have recorded each one in YOUR book" Psalm 56:8.

GOD always and only wants us to choose good, but HE will not force us. GOD never wills evil or the pain that attends it. we do. Suffering is the by-product of human choices, not GOD'S. And that is the sobe reality of freedom.

FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SEL-CONTROL-qualities that help one to stay strong in life's challenges.

PATIENCE, KINDNESS, and GOODNESS-attitudes that bring warmth to every action.

LOVE, JOY, and PEACE - beautiful inner qualities that please GOD and touch lives.

"Do not be overcome with evil, but you overcome evil with good."

Revelation will give you understanding of the mysteries of GOD.

GOD wants to reveal HIMSELF to you. GOD will open your eyes to the power of HIS covenant with you if you ask HIM to. Dig into the Word. Dig deep into the covenant. Know your covenant rights and what belongs to you and your family through JESUS CHRIST.

Don't live beneath your privileges. Believe and receive all you have as a result of the covenant you have through JESUS CHRIST.

You are not alone in life. You do not have to struggle alone in life. You will see many victories as you understand and walk in faith in GOD JESUS.

When you find your hope in the LORD, you cannot just keep it to yourself. You have to share it with others.

Ministry is what we do in the love of GOD to help other people, and to bring them into a relationship with HIM through JESUS CHRI

We cannot stand strong in the LORD, nor can we help others stand strong, if we don't allow the Spirit of GOD to be strong in us.

GOD wants to use you to help others and to point them to JESUS CHRIST.

The path to life is not all over the place. It is found by moving forward step by step with GOD.

Whenever you are not where GOD wants you to be, you are in danger.

The gate to life is found by walking a narrow path. You can only find it by walking according to the Word of GOD and following the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Our difficult times perfect us, and that's why we can never lose faith in GOD to do something great, no matter what is happening.

Everyday life:

Everyday life:

Everyday life:

Everyday life:

everyday life

Everyday life:

Our job is to love others as our heavenly FATHER JESUS CHRIST loves us, with a grace-filled, patient, forgiving love.

If you are seeking wisdom and knowledge, if you hope to find meaning and truth, if you desire to know who GOD is and how HE wants you to live begin with the Bible.

No one is perfect, and our imperfections lead us to a perfect GOD.

How many times has GOD protected us from evil or danger that we don't even realize, let alone have thanked HIM for it?

Don't limit what GOD can do in your situation just because you can't imagine it.

Sometimes GOD will give to you special gifts in your day, and it is good to be able to recognize them.

They shall still bear fruit old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.

In the name of JESUS, I am an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of my testimony.Amen.

Because I am the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, I set the course of my life for obedience, abundance, wisdom, health, joy.

Do not bar the door of your heart against

You can't have Faith if you don't first have hope.

GOD is full of grace and mercy.

GOD is a GOD of completion. GOD will finish what HE started.

Begin again. Get your hopes up. Get your dreams back. GOD is saying, "it's time to start believing again. Start praying again. Start expecting good things again."

Our GOD is more than enough! Get a vision for that in your heart today.

GOD wants to pour out HIS blessings on you today.The more obedient you are, the more of HIS blessings you will see. GOD rewards people that fully obey.

whatever your step of Faith needs to be, take it today. As you do your part, GOD is ready to fight your battles for you.

"Have Faith in GOD.

"I realized that in order to change my habits, I needed to change my thinking"

The gospel is the good news of peace. The gospel brings the peace of GOD into a family.

Life point:

Life point:

GOD looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after GOD. PSALM 53:2.

Life point

If you immerse yourself in the LORD and keep yourself from the pollution of the world, HIS voice in you will become clearer. HE will guide you, inspire you, and reveal to you things you would not have seen on your own. When you submit your own natural creative ability to the LORD.

The only way we can move successfully into our future is by walking step-by-step with GOD today, following the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT in whatever we are doing now. The future unknowable apart from any revelation GOD may give us. And even with revelation from the LORD, we don't know all the details about it. We just know that GOD says we have a good future, and this gives us peace.

Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious GOD. There we will receive HIS mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

We can say with confidence, "The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. what can mere people do to me? Hebrews 13:6.

JESUS CHRIST is the yesterday, today, and forever.

The mountains may move and hills disappear, but even then my faithful Love for you will remain. MY covenant of blessing will never be broken, says the LORD,who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:10

Don't be afraid, for I Am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I Am your GOD. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10

I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and HE turned to me and heard my cry. HE lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. HE set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. HE has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our GOD. Many will see what HE has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:1-3

The LORD hears His people when they call to Him for help. HE rescues them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; HE rescues those spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time. Psalm 34:17-19

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in GOD! I will praise HIM again my Savior and my GOD! Psalm 42:11

YOU are my hiding place; YOU protect me from trouble. YOU surround me with songs of victory. Psalm 32:7

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for YOU alone O LORD, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8

Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your GOD will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. Deuteronomy 31:6

May the LORD bless you and protect you. May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you..May the LORD show you His favor and give you His peace. Numbers 6:24-26

GOD Will not fail you! HE loves you! Now, refuse to worry.

Now JESUS has given the Church HIS authority, HIS name, and HIS power. It is up to us to use that authority against satan. "Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house" Matthew 12:29.

the Scriptures call satan "the god of this world". he rules over nations, cities,towns, over people who are not born again. In the spirit realm just above the earth, satan has built spiritual fortresses, strongholds from over he rules over nations, cities,and Kingdoms of this world. But, praise GOD, the good news for the Church is that he doesn't rule over us! Colossians 13 states, "The FATHER has delivered us and drawn us to HIMSELF out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of HIS Love."

GOD requires that we reverence HIM, live HIS way, love and serve HIM, with all our heart, and keep HIS commandments (Deuteronomy 10:12-13). Whatever interferes with any of that in our lives must be eliminated.

Please pray this prayer right now:

JESUS long for the day when we will be together again in person. After all sin is destroyed and the earth is cleansed by fire, JESUS will create a new heaven and a new earth. All tears will be wiped away and there will be no more pain, crying, sorrow,or death. (Revelation 20:14; 21:1-4) Until then, trust JESUS! HE will take care of you, for HE love with all HIS heart.

Soon the day will come when JESUS will return to earth and take to heaven all who want to live with HIM forever. All those " who have fallen asleep" trusting in HIM will be resurrected with brand new bodies.( John 14:1-3, 2 Timothy 4:8, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.)

When you are mistreated, misunderstood, or taken advantage of, your natural desire will be to seek revenge. Choose instead to allow JESUS to discipline those who have hurt you. While doing so, HE will also seek to reach their hearts. In the long run, the best way to relate to your enemies is to love them. They will either humble their hearts and become your friend or try to avoid you out of their own shame. When JESUS was mistreated and nailed to the cross, HE prayed, " Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." After HE was resurrected, many confessed their sins, repented, and became HE's disciples.

When you are tempted to satisfy your cravings in unhealthy ways, JESUS will enable you to have self-control and remind you that the blessings HE give you will truly satisfy. JESUS will enable you to be patient with others as they are growing and will transform you so that kindness, compassion, and forgiveness flow from within.

But if you want JESUS to be your Savior, you will not be disappointed. You will experience love that casts out fear, peace that passes understanding, and Joy that no one can take away.

If you persistently choose to cling onto sin, you will eventually hate JESUS and not want to come into HIS presence. In fact, you will come to the point that you would rather die than live with JESUS forever. Out of love, JESUS will honor your choice and you will perish in the end.

JESUS will never force you to receive the truth or the blessing HE anxious to give you. If you don't want them, HE will allow you to pursue the pathway you choose, even though it will bring you much pain and heartache. Even then HE will be waiting for you to call out for help. when you do, HE will reassure you of HIS forgiveness and help you experience healing from the brokenness caused by your sinful choices.

When you invite JESUS to be your Savior and LORD, you will be "born again." The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth and the truth will set you free. As you replace the lies of satan with the truth from the Bible, your life will be transformed. You will experience freedom from fear, guilt, and shame. John 1:12, 13, 3:5, 6, 8:31-36, 16:13, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 1:9, 3:1, 4:18.

JESUS invite you to come to HIM just as you are. HE will accept you with all of your hurt and failure. In fact, the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are "poor in spirit," those who recognize their brokenness and need for JESUS as their Savior. Matthew 11:28-30, 5:3, Romans 12:1, Psalm 51:17.

JESUS perfect life and death, HE was able to free the human race from the kingdom of darkness and qualify everyone for eternal life. As a result, everyone is now free to choose to live with HIM now and forever or persistently cling onto sin and evil. Colossians 1:12-14, Romans 5:18, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, 1 John 5:10-11, John 1:9-13, 3:16-20.

JESUS love you with an everlasting love! Nothing can change that. When you hurt, JESUS hurting with you, just as a parent suffers when their child is in pain. Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:31-39, Matthew 23:37-39, 25:34-45, Hosea 11:1-8.

You have been reconciled to GOD. No matter who you are or what you have done, GOD is not counting your sin against you. You are free to come to HIM just as you are and be reconciled to HIM. 2Corinthians 5:19-21, Romans 12-1.

Have you ever wondered who will be there for you when times are really tough? Even when you feel as though you cannot go on, GOD promises to be your strength(Psalm 73:25-28) Ask GOD to draw you nearer to HIMSELF, so you can experience HIS goodness and strength even more fully.

Regardless of what issues we face, past or present, good or bad, we can find the solution in the Word of GOD.

In Christ Alone: Ecclesiastes 7:14 tells us to be happy when times ...

Ecclesiastes 7:14 tells us to be happy when times are good and to realize when times are bad that GOD has made those days too. This verse is pointing to the Sovereignty of GOD controlling both the good and the bad, having a divine purpose for each.

In Christ Alone: Even mountains can fall into the sea, though that ...

Even mountains can fall into the sea, though that seems hard to imagine. Even good marriages can end when suffering is intense or one die, even solid careers can end; even beautiful friendships can go bad. But there is ONE who will never betray us, never move away, and never die. Nothing can shake HIM. JESUS is a Mighty Fortress.

In Christ Alone: Salvation is both an event and a process. We are s...

Salvation is both an event and a process. We are saved from the wrath of GOD when HE brings us to repentance and trust in HIS atoning work, but being saved from the habits of sin and false objects of trust takes time.

YouTube Mix (playlist)

YouTube Mix (playlist)

John Waller - While I'm Waiting [w/lyrics]

JESUS is our source of hope in the world. HIS conquest of death gives us confidence now and for the future. Colossians 1:27, Jeremiah 17:13.

JESUS was born in Bethlehem, which means "the house of bread." HE is our spiritual nourishment and the sustenance of the world. All things are kept alive by HIM. LIVING BREAD John 6:5, LIVING WATER John 7:37-38.

JESUS was at the beginning of creation and will be there to the end. HE is both the author of all that is and the one who sees HIS creation through to the end. Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13

JESUS CHRIST is the ALL-POWERFUL LORD. Nothing is beyond HIS reach or impossible for HIM. Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 24:8, 1 Timothy 6:15, 1 Corinthians 1:24.

We must forgive in order to progress and move forward in our lives. To forgive someone simple means to pardon them of an offense. To stop angry or resentful against. Forgiveness is actually a decision. It is an act of Love. Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:21-22. 1 Corinthians 13:8.

When we put the right things in our hearts, we will get the right results in our lives.

The fear of GOD prevents us from receiving HIS grace in vain. It keeps us from the desire to have a relationship with the world. Psalm 111:10.

We must come out from among the world's system and be separate. Hebrews 12:14-15.

GOD promises that if we cleanse ourselves from the filth of the world, HE would dwell in us in HIS glory. Hallelujah.

GOD is Spirit, and HIS ways are hidden from the wisdom of this natural world. ( John 4:24, 1 Corinthians 2:6-7.

In worship we lift our hearts and hands toward heaven and let go of everything on earth.

GOD wants your worship to be personal.

As you let the joy of the LORD rise in your heart, it crowds out fear, anxiety, and doubt.

The most important thing we do on this earth is worship GOD.

Do you struggle with depression? With negative thoughts? GOD Promises you joy. No matter what your circumstances, you can have joy in HIM JESUS. Philippians 4:4 says,"Rejoice in the LORD always. Again I will say, rejoice!" Rejoicing is not a option. And the truth is that the kind of rejoicing the Bible talks about often comes from a life of pain and hardship. But GOD's peace and joy will prevail. Philippians 4:6-7 says,"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to GOD; and the peace of GOD, which

I'm so glad you're GOD's friend, that you have the promise of HIS blessings in your life. In Psalm 16:1, David says of GOD, "YOU will show me the path of life, in YOUR presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. GOD will never fail you or change HIS mind about you. In HIS loving care you have a shelter in the storm and a haven when life bats you around. In HIS loving care you can have a generous heart because HE provides abundantly.

When your relationship with GOD takes precedence in your life, everything else falls into place.

GOD has promised to be with you always. That is why you can live in perfect peace.

GOD promises in HIS Word that we will not be forsaken or left alone. HE promises that HIS Word is eternal and will not pass away. In a World where things change in an instant, the WORD of GOD is the one thing on which we can stand that is changeless.

Cry out to GOD and HE will hear you (Psalm 18:1-6). When nobody else can hear, HE does. Another thing we must do is allow others in our lives. Don't push away people who love you.

GOD says that you are a special person. You are so special and valuable that HE sent HIS Son, JESUS CHRIST to die for your sins, and HE made it possible for the HOLY SPIRIT to come and dwell within you to remind you on a daily basis that you are a somebody in HIS eyes. You are valuable beyond measure to GOD!

GOD has a master plan for your life and that plan does not change. It is a plan designed specifically for you. It is a plan that GOD intends for you to live out fully, beginning at the moment of your birth and continuing on until the moment you go on to be with the LORD in heaven. GOD's plan for you has a purpose, a guidance plan, and a plan for blessing you. Your destiny is to be the person GOD has created you to be. Trust GOD to show you the plan HE has for your life. When you follow HIS plan and HIS way, blessing will follow. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths.

We need to accept what GOD gives us and be happy with our lives.

Fearing GOD and keeping HIS commandments is the solution to every problem we face in life.

Trust in, learn on, and have confidence in JESUS at all times, you people; pour out your heart before HIM.

Psalm 51:6 it says that GOD desires truth "in the inner being." That means if we want to receive GOD's blessings, we must be honest with HIM about our sins and ourselves. Let me encourage you not to let sin linger in your life. We all sin, and when we do, we need to be quick to repent.

If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in your heart that GOD has raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved. Please take this opportunity to give your life to JESUS. Open yourself of HIS love and truth. Ask HIM to come into your heart and be with you forever. HE's waiting for you! And if you already know JESUS, praise HIS holy name!

No matter where you are on your journey in life, you can take the way of the wise.

If you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the SPIRIT of GOD, these are sons of GOD. ROMANS 8:13-14.

Love each other.

GOD is the only One Who can make things happen for you. HE is the only One Who can bring the things you want and desire into your life. HE is the only One Who can open doors. The more you try to make your own way, the tighter the doors will stay closed. Wait on GOD.

Everyday Life:

Do you sometimes wonder about your position in life-why you are where you are? Scripture teaches us that GOD has placed us where we are for HIS purposes. Look for opportunities around you in your neighborhood, your workplace, even your home for ways the LORD wants you to partner with HIM in the work of HIS kingdom.

Thank YOU, GOD, that honor, majesty, strength, and joy are found in YOUR presence.



GOD created us so that HE could have a relationship with us.

GOD has shown HIS love for mankind in manifold ways.

Prayer: LORD, give us patience to grow together. Give us the wisdom we need to support and encourage each other in the areas of parenting and finances. Reveal the ways that we can change. AMEN.

As we trust in the LORD, HIS SPIRIT fills us and gives us power to be what GOD's Word encourages us to be.

when we become a Christian, we should no longer depend on our own strength to get through life. Day by day we learn to have Faith in GOD and find our security and significance in HIM.

JESUS is the source of life and SAVIOR of all mankind.

Examine my heart and my mind HEAVENLY FATHER. Show anything that I need to make right with YOU. AMEN.

LORD, help me to fix my thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable, things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

As you trust in the HOLY SPIRIT and HIS great love for you, you will be filled with HIS mind, knowledge, and wisdom. You will grasp a vision for the special calling on your life, and you will sense HIS guidance in the way you should go.

GOD's HOLY SPIRIT is as close as your next breath. What an amazing gift. How comforting to be able to walk in the power and presence of the HOLY SPIRIT in every area of your life. when you clearly recognize HIS voice speaking to your heart, your life will never be the same..

Defeat your doubts and receive your healing by allowing the healing power of GOD s word to flow through you.

Many times we worry so much about what we don't have that we forget to take the time to appreciate what we do have. We receive so many blessings in our lives on a daily basis, but many of us fail to recognize them. Even if you feel like you have hit rock bottom, remember there is always someone who is worse off. Even if you feel terribly discontent in your current situation, GOD has you there for a reason. Ask GOD to show you what HE has for you. Then seek to be content right where you are.

GOD never ceases to speak to us, but the noise of the world without and the tumult of our passions within bewilder us and prevent us from listening to HIM.

Everyday Life

While we are waiting on GOD, it is important for us to take our positions and stay faithful. Then, like Joseph, GOD will raise us up in HIS timing (see Genesis 39:2-5). Be faithful as you wait on GOD, do your work well, and people will see that GOD s hand is upon you for good.

We must be attentive not only to our actions, but also to our thoughts, imaginations, motives, and attitudes. GOD looks at these things because HE is a GOD of hearts. Whatever you do, make sure you have a right heart before the LORD, and you will reap abundant life instead of destruction.

Many people today are being destroyed for the simple reason that their hearts are not right before GOD. In their hearts they regard wickedness, they allow impure imaginations, and they think bad thoughts.

GOD wants us to freely choose to love and serve HIM. I hope that today you will make a fresh and willful commitment to love and serve GOD with all your heart.

Resist satan s attempts to control you. Tell him to get out, and he will leave. Then ask GOD to come closer to you. GOD will get as close as you will let HIM.

The LORD is faithful to all HIS promises and loving toward all HE has made.

The LORD is fair in everything HE does, and full of kindness. HE is close to all who call on HIM sincerely

Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens. Always be thankful, for this is GOD s will for you who belong to JESUS CHRIST.

LORD, through all the generations YOU have been OUR home! Before the mountains were created, before the earth was formed, YOU ARE GOD without beginning or end. Psalm 90:1,2

GOD doesn't show favoritism, but in every nation the person who fears GOD and does righteousness is acceptable to HIM. Acts 34:35

GOD is our refuge and strength,a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:7

Everyday Life

If you have fear in any area of your life today, allow JESUS love to replace it. The Bible says that "Perfect love casts out all fear." When you understand how much GOD loves you, when you truly understand all HE has saved you from, you won't have any reason to fear.

It doesn't matter what kind of problems you have. GOD knows what to do. I don't know what to do, but JESUS does. HE knows all about your case. HE made you. HE loves you and wants to bless you. All HE wants you to do is worship HIM for who HE is and praise HIM for what HE has done.

JESUS wants you to live an abundant life! GOD is full of mercy and compassion and understanding. (Psalm 86:15, 147:5.)

God wants to bless you. HE wants to meet all your needs and give you the desiresof your heart. Anything that GOD does for me, HE wants to do for you. Anything GOD does for anybody else, HE wants to do for you, too. Understand that!

Open your spirit to GOD. Set your heart and mind on HIM. GOD wants to bless you abundantly, and JESUS paid the price for you to have those blessings.

God is big enough to get the miracle for you that you need. God will do a miracle for you. There's only one JESUS, and that's the ONE you find in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in Bible. There is not another One. That's the only ONE there is, and HE is saying to the whole human race, "Come follow ME".

We need to learn to trust GOD when things get crazy. GOD is going to do wonders in your life, leading you places you have never been before. Go for it!

It is time we set ourselves apart to seek the LORD and find understanding.

The faithful love of the LORD never ends. HIS mercies never cease. Great is HIS faithfulness; HIS mercies begin afresh each morming.

Lord, by whatever means is necessary keep me from becoming proud.

We must visit GOD in the prayer.


By GOD's grace, you and I can better accept every event in our lives when we realize that all of the details and elements of our lives are in the HANDS of our infinitely wise GOD who knows us and loves us as no one else does.

When we don't understand, like, or agree with the way life has gone, we are to bow before GOD and once again confess that we cannot understand HIS wisdom and knowledge. In faith, we are to accept HIS wisdom, HIS Word, and workings, and trust in HIM... even in the dark.

Nothing will ever happen to you that GOD does not already know about (Psalm 139:1-4. Nothing will ever happen to you that is a mistake (Psalm 139:4-16). Nothing will ever happen that you cannot handle by GOD's power and grace (Corinthians 12:9-10). Nothing will ever happen to you that will not eventually be used by GOD for some good purpose in your life (Romans 8:28). Nothing will ever happen to you without GOD's presence (Matthew 28:20).

Choose to fill your mind with what is true. Choose to love GOD.

With GOD help, His Word, and His Spirit, you can triumph over negative emotions, damaging thoughts, and destructive attitudes.

The Bible warns against greed and the love of money, calling the love of money the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). You need to guard against loving money more than you love GOD. GOD wants to bless your life, not just with money, but also with great love for HIM and HIS Word. HE wants to give you HIS love for the lost souls in the world. When you seek GOD first and walk in HIS commandments, HE will release supernatural resource into your life.

Our lives are like the course of the sun.

No matter what level of financial reality you are living in, GOD already has more than enough for your needs. You don't have to fear your financial situation. GOD knows how to move you from financial lack to abundance. The only thing that can limit you is in your own faith level. When GOD says move, you have to act in faith to move into HIS miracle territory.




Take time to love and to be loved- It is the privilege of the GOD.


For what purpose was the earth created?

There are no impossible dreams, just our limited perception of what is possible. You are everything that is, your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true. You are everything you choose to be. You are as unlimited as the endless universe.

Learn from the past. Do not come to the end of your life only to find you have not lived. For many come to the point of leaving the space of the earth and when they gaze back, they see the joy and the beauty that could not be theirs because of the fears they lived. DON'T HURRY, DON'T WORRY, YOU'RE ONLY HERE FOR A SHORT VISIT. SO BE SURE TO STOP AND SMELL THE FLOWERS.

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.

The glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall.

Each second you can be reborn. Each second there can be a new beginning. It is choice. It is your choice.








Can anything separate the true child of GOD from the love of GOD?

Into what relationship to GOD does HIS love bring us?

In view of GOD's great love, what may we confidently expect?

How enduring is GOD's love for us?

For what are we to pray?

God loves you because He loves everybody. And He demonstrated that love by sending HIS only begotten SON in order that you might have abundance and eternal life.-John 10:10


"LORD, when will the tribulation occur?

Worship GOD, and HE Will Pay the Bills!

Open your spirit to GOD. Set your heart and mind on HIM.








Ask yourself, which of the seed i am or should be!!!