(MSG) Esau comes in and says, “I am willing to sacrifice spiritual (and physical) blessing on the altar of my immediate appetite.” There are some blessings from God you and I will never receive unless we dethrone what commentator Matthew Henry called, “King Stomach.” The Physical and Spiritual Battle As we fast, there will be physical challenges along the way. Some may experience a caffeine headache, some may not feel well. For most there is more than just a little detoxing happening in our bodies. But the battle is more than physiological; as we fast a spiritual battle is being waged. Things are happening in the spiritual realm that we neither perceive nor understand outside of God revealing those things to us. The Power of Prayer It’s important to remember that fasting is more than just missing a meal. Powerful seasons of fasting are experienced when we plan to spend additional time in God’s presence as we fast. As well, purpose now that every hunger pang, every feeling of fatigue, and every caffeine headache will be a reminder to call on God in that moment and to cry out for those things you are seeking Him to do in your life. David Mathis says, “[Fasting] is a desperate measure, for desperate times, among those who know themselves desperate for God.” But don’t just focus on the battle or the pain – Scriptures promises there is fullness of joy in God’s presence and there are pleasures at His right hand. Delight yourself in seeking Him and you’ll know the joy of seeing Him work in your life.


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