Let me tell you something I learn today, just because you have degree that's doesn't mean you accomplish. Yes, that's for a lot of group of people who thinks because they have a degree they accomplish. Honestly accomplishment is when you really have Jesus Christ in your life. It's time for US to stop lying to ourselves. Be who GOD want you to be you. Stop being in somebody else shoes or living somebody else life or dreaming you could be this and that person.. Stop, live your own life. Stop pretending to be someone you not be honest with your own self. At my job has a security officer, some people put me down every day, you know what I'm not living for people I'm living for GOD and my family. Yes I have degrees but they don't mean nothing to me but GOD JESUS means something to me. I invite you tonight to have a relationship with HIM, you are not going to regret that. This words coming from my heart to you. Much love...:)


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