Job 42:10 

When Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes, giving him twice as much as before.

Friendship is truly one of the greatest gifts 🎁 in life. We find companies on who know us and love us for who we are, no matter what and it takes a lot work to keep relationships with friends. When we find ourselves taking these very important relationships for granted, read the Bible verses for a little reminder about how important our friends are just how much we need them each and every day. So what I’m trying to say is I appreciate each everyone of you for been my Facebook friends old friends and new friends. I don’t know you in person but God almighty knows you and thank you 🙏🏾 for the gifts 🎁 of friendship and I am giving it back to you this year 2020 with all of my heart 💜 until the end. Once again happy 😃 holiday season and merry Christmas 🎄🎁.

Much Love ❤️


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