Imported post: Facebook Post: 2021-09-23T01:53:46

I have a close friend whose husband hardly ever sits down at the dinner table without telling her what food she should have cooked and how the food she did Cook should have been cooked. For more than 25 years my friend has endured this torrent of criticism at virtually every meal. No wonder self-confidence is zero. There's nothing she can do to please him. He picks away at her day and night. He is an abuser and she is abused. Abuse can be physical, verbal, or nonverbal. In whatever form it comes, many Christian women accept this abuse in the name of submission. They are convinced that as Christian women they have no alternative but to take the abuse as God's will for their lives. It is important to know that a woman is not a failure as a wife and she is not disobedient to God if she takes active steps to preserve life in an abusive situation. (1 Samuel chapter 25). Patience is where love meets wisdom. Patience is a deep breath, patience helps you give your spouse permission to be human. It understands that everyone fails. When a mistake is made, it chooses to give them more time than they deserve to correct it.


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