Today I want to write about the other women or side women based on the Bible.

 In my opinion. I often listened to preachers preaching about it and I laughed. First, a man having a side woman is a choice to a decision. It's both parties making a decision, but could be punished or judged at the end. Now a man/woman having multiple people or partners is an adulterer. Let's go to the Bible for clarification on what I'm talking about. 

Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham Genesis 15:1-5; Genesis 16: 1-11, 13-16, Genesis 17: 1- 5, 15-16; Genesis 21: 1-3, 6, 8-19.

Read the verses anytime you have a chance. 

We are functioning in three dimensions: physical, Spiritual and emotional. The words of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision. That his wife was going to bear a son and God also spoke to Sarah about the child. What happened during the process, Abraham listened to the voice of Sarah, his wife by taking another woman. When God had already spoken existence into their lives. And Adam, too, listened to Eve, his wife eating the apple, by disobeying God, a disobedience that led to death. Because disobedience is a sin against the Holy Spirit. Mark 3:28-30. Read it. 

My point is for all the wives. Your actions, non stop behavior and attitudes also verbal words can push your husband to another woman or side woman like Sarah pushed Abraham to Hagar after her actions she started complaining about the situation that she caused. 

Many wives create distance in their marriage due to their behavior towards their husbands. Questions: did Abraham sin? No. But he chose to do it by listening to his wife. I want all wives to know that your husband can listen to you through your behavior, words, attitudes and actions. Remember behavior speaks louder than words and that could lead your husband to another woman or side woman. 

Now let's go back to the Bible about what happened to the adultery woman. 

Self-righteousness is a sin all people are guilty of but often oblivious to in their own selves. 

Jesus said: Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” John 8:7. Go now and leave your life of sin. John 8:11. Jesus now offered her a new life. 

Now you appear to see a difference between a wife and a regular woman. God never treats sin casually but calls sinners to turn away from their old, corrupt way of life. Ephesians 4:17-24 talks about living a new life with a transformed mind. This refers, and the verses in the Bible about forgiveness. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. 2 Corinthians 5:18 and John 3:17. Read the verses anytime you have a chance. 

I hope you understand and see the truth and the difference between the two women. Oh, wife, have the power to destroy her own husband. Remember when David's wife criticized Him for dancing and praising God? David chose not to heed his wife's negative words. Remember the Samaritan woman, she was also a woman who had had five husbands. the grace of God is always there for everyone. And The truth is clearly exemplified in Jesus' interaction with the woman caught in adultery. 

That is all I can say on this statement, just

 like Jesus said. Throw a stone. Jesus values people no matter what poor choices they have made in life. 

Love 💗


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