I am a believer.

The reason for that is that I'm not a religious person. A religious person is someone that lives a formal life. They focus on one thing exclusively. The Pharisees were religious. Matthew 23:11, Matthew 23:13-16, Matthew 23:32 and Matthew 16:6. They couldn't believe Jesus was the son of God because of the religion's formal life. I feel like being a Christian is being a Pharisee. The Pharisees were wrong, mistreating one another, but they couldn't see it or realize it. Some Christians do bad things to each other without fearing God because they are stuck in a formal life and prioritize pleasing others over God. Some of them care too much about positions, titles, and proving to others that they are living a holy life. And not knowing holiness is to make every effort to live in peace. Hebrews 12:14-15, Ezekiel 38:23, Genesis 17:1. But they forget that you cannot be holy without God. They deceive themselves every day, while God is sitting watching their heart conditions. That's to me a Pharisee living life. God is not coming to get religious people. God is coming back to get His followers, the ones that keep His commandments and do them. John 15:10-14. No matter how hard you are trying to live, just remember salvation is not work. Ephesians 2:8-9. All you have to do is do good. James 4:17. Love others and love yourself. John 15:12-13 Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. Pray every day, knowing God, give thanks. Resist temptations in this world. James 4:7. Reading books and the Bible is a simple yet powerful practice. I want to give you some Bible verses to practice and read, so you can verify what I have written. Amen 🙏🏾 Luke 6:31. Corinthians 16:14. Proverbs 17:17.

May God bless you all 🙏🏾

Much love. 💗.


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