PSALM 27:7-8

It is always a delight to receive an invitation from someone whose company we enjoy. Certainly we have been invited by GOD to know HIM, to experience HIM, and to be a part of HIS plan. Yet, I find myself declining GOD's invitation. Why? because I am selfish; I am lured away by my own desires. I do not seek HIS Kingdom first; I do not seek HIS face. I allow myself to be distrated. I am too busy.
The LORD says, however, that I do not have to live this way. I can change. HE has extended to me a wonderful call. HE has given me HIS SPIRIT to enable me to accept HIS invitation. I can choose to enter into HIS secret chamber; I can choose to spend time with friends interceding for what GOD lays on our hearts and for what will bring HIM glory. I want GOD's very best. I want to know HIM, and I want to see HIM act. JEREMIAH 33:3 "Ask ME and I will tell you remarkable secret." How tragic to miss out of GOD's remarkable secrets because I never took enough time to answer HIS call.

"Untill now you have asked for nothing in MY NAME; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be made full." -JOHN 16:24


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