Strong Spirit.

Today I was spending time with the Lord in His words. I felt Joy, hope, happiness and it felt good. I was reading Romans chapter 4. God wants you to have a strong spirit. Abraham had a strong spirit, and we can have a strong spirit too, because of his faith in God. Start reading your Bible and applying the word to your life daily. Surrender yourself completely to God. If you want to have a strong spirit. But if you don't submit yourself to God, your spirit will always be weak. God wants your spirit to be strong. Without God's help, you won't be strong enough to resist the devil. If you are sick, you need to resist it by saying "sickness, you can't stay in my body, go away now." But you won't be able to do so if your spirit is weak. Read Galatians 6:9. You can't have that kind of faith unless you have a strong spirit. Your spirit must first be strongly submitted to God before you can resist the devil. Submit yourselves therefore to God; He is talking about obeying the word. God and the word are one.

Submit to God, and your spirit will be strong. The devil will flee from you, and you won't doubt your identity or feel weak. Read James 4:7. God only approves of His words. Stick to the word, build the foundation of your life upon God's word. Joshua 1:6-9. And Read John 16:33. If you allow God to shine His glory in your life, you will live a victorious life. 

God bless 🙏🏾

Love. 💗.


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