My honest truth.


Do you want to pray this prayer with me? Maybe you feel the same thing or are going through the same thing as well. I feel it in my heart to share this prayer with you.

Dear Lord, I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord to let you know that I know I love, and You know that I love you, like the apostle Simon, son of John, said in the book John 21:15-17. But I disappoint You every single day. I am not proud of it. Every time when I want to do good, evil is right there with me, again as the apostle Paul said in the book of Romans 7:19. I find hope in the verses from Matthew 9:12-13, where it says that Jesus came to call sinners to repentance, not the righteous. I am a sinner who wants to serve You and love You. I also found it difficult to keep Your commandments. You said if I love You I will keep Your commandments. In John 14:15-31. I fail every day because I am a sinner. Despite loving You, I cannot escape this. You once said that if I claim to be without sin, I am a liar. But You are strong in my weakness. Please continue to be strong in me, so that I can follow Your commandments until the end. Because my desire is to follow your commandments until the end. Shape me to serve You and circumcise my heart so that I can produce fruits for the kingdom and give me strength to choose Your will over sins. Lord, please check my heart and show me the way to everlasting life. In Jesus name I ask all that. Amen 🙌🏾.

I hope this prayer changes your life forever. 🙏🏾.

May God bless 🙏🏾

Much love. 💗.


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