Praying God's Word in All of Life

When we are praying for life and death situations, we do what the eleventh chapter of Mark describes JESUS as doing. Verse 14 says JESUS spoke directly to the fig tree; HE spoke the end result. So we speak directly to the body of the person for whom we are praying and tell tha body to live. On the basis of what JESUS told us to do (see vv. 23-24), we speak to death in JESUS' NAME and command it to leave. Then, we believe that we receive life for that person when we pray.
Again, there is no distance in the spirit world. We don't have to be with the person to speak life to him; we believe it is done because of faith in GOD'S WORD. GOD is not a MAN that HE should LIE.
From that time on, we return GOD'S WORD to HIM in prayer. HIS WORD does not return to HIM without producing any effect. It accomplishes what HE purposes, and it prospers in the thing for which HE sent it. Confess GOD'S WORD over the situation like this:

Father, in JESUS' NAME, I thank YOU that ---------shall not die, but will live and declare YOUR works and recount YOUR illustrious acts. Though impossible with men, it is not with YOU, for all things are possible with YOU.
I will not weaken in faith and consider -----------'s body; no unbelief or distrust will make me waver or doubtingly question concerning YOUR promise. I am strong and empowered by faith as I give praise and glory to YOU, for I am fully satisfied and assured tha YOU are able and MIGHTY to keep YOUR WORD, and to do what YOU have promised.
YOUR WORD says that YOU will even deliver the one who is not innocent, if I intercede through the cleanness of my hands. Whether or not the people for whom I pray are innocent, I believe that what I have spoken is done as a result of my intercession, because YOU are no respecter of persons. I thank YOU that it is done in JESUS; NAME.

As you pray this prayer from GOD'S WORD, you will see results. Jeremiah 1:12 says GOD is alert and active, watching over HIS WORD to perform it. Expect GOD to work in your behalf! HE Loves you!
Scripture References
Psalm 118:17/ Romans 4:19-21/ Mark 10:27/ Job 22:30


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