There is no escape from the reality of hell

Our nation that says: "Live for the moment; go for the gusto! You don't need God! Live for yourself!" According to the Bible, that lifestyle will also take you to HELL.
Jesus described hell in a story of a rich man who enjoyed the good life and lived extravagantly and selfishly. There was a beggar named Lazarus who was laid at his gate, desiring only the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. He was filled with sores and lived in misery. When the beggar died, the angels carried him to paradise to be with Abraham. After that, the rich man died. Jesus said he was in tormentin the flames of Hades.
Then the rich man looked and saw Abraham a long way away, and he asked Abraham to let Lazarus just dip his finger in water and come to cool his tongue. Abraham said that he could not come to him because of the great gulf between them. The rich man wanted someone to go back and warn his five brothers so that they would not come to that placeof torment (Luke 16:20-27). That was not possible either. Jesus made it clear from this story that HELL is a very real place, and there is no escape from its torment.
Jesus lamented, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Mark 8:36). It wasn't that richesin themselves were evil. But Jesus was saying that if you live for everything the calls "gains", you could still lose your soul. You must choose to follow Jesus Christ on earth in order to spend eternity with Him.
No one is exempt from eternal damnation unless they accept salvation provided through the blood of Christ. The Bible says that there is no salvation in any other name (Acts 4:12). Only submission to the Lordship of Christ will allow you to escape the horrors of HELL and assure you of eternal life in heaven with Him.
Can you imagine living in darkness forever? You cannot live wrong and die right! If you are living wrong, you will die wrong and go to a place called HELL. It is a place that is void of the presence of God. No light! No love! No peace! No joy! The Bible says that in HELL there will be torment day and night, forever ane ever (Revelations 20:10). There are no exits from HELL, no time off for good behavior. Once you are there, you have no way out. That is the choice you make when you are living your life on earth. It is the dreadful outcome of rejecting Christ, and it takes you to a terrible place, a place called HELL. HELL is no joke! Your friends can mock and laugh you into HELL, but they can't laugh you out of HELL.
The good news is that the Bible says if you repent and accept Christ Jesus as your Savior, God blots out all of your sin and does not even remenber it (Isaiah 43.25).


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