Sin is an attitude. It is a rebel attitude inside each of us. It rebels against GOD. Sin turns into outward acts that create distance between us and GOD. We are all sinners in this way. Our sinful lives rob GOD of the glory HE wants and deserves.

Sin has three results or penalties:

1. Death inside, in our spirit
2. Death of our bodies
3. Being locked up and tortured in a dark place away from GOD forever

JESUS came to save us from our sins. JESUS Himself never sinned. But HE took our sins upon Himself. HE died in our place, and HE rose again from the dead. JESUS did this so that we might be forgiven and live forever with HIM.

(Romans 6:23).


  1. Do you feel lost? Draw near to God Jesus every day of your life, for He is your Shepherd, caring for you, tenderly watching over you, and at times even carrying you. Listen closely. When you are lost, He is searching for you. He is calling out to you. Respond. Ask for His help, His wisdom, and His care for your every need .

  2. What concern hold you back from trusting God ? The Shepherd loves His sheep so much that He will lay down His own life to save them. Trust God Jesus. He has come so that you might follow Him completely and faithfully .


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