The Bible: The Word of GOD

The Bible is GOD's own Word. It is GOD's great gift to all people everywhere. GOD gave this gift to help us out of our sin and misery and darkness.
The Bible is not an ordinary book. Every Word is true. It is filled with GOD's own power and authority. The men who wrote it were inspired by the Holy Spirit. GOD moved them to write the truth exactly as HE gave it to them.
We should read our Bibles as if it was GOD HIMSELF speaking to us directly and personally. By HIS Word, GOD will give us many good things:
Spiritual food
Physical health
The Words of the Bible have the power to:
Cleanse us
Sanctity us, set us apart to GOD
Build us up
Make us sharers in GOD's own nature
Give us power and wisdom to overcome the devil
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)


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