Pray with me now: LORD, I pray that we, Your people, will hear Your call to humble ourselves and pray for our nation. Give us hearts that are repentant for the sins of our nation and help us to turn from our wicked ways. On behalf of the people in America, I repent before You for the sins of slavery, pornography, child sexual abuse, murder, thievery, greed, selfishness, immortality, rejection of God, sexual sins, the killing of our children, and the rejection of GOD from our school, public buildings, and arenas. Help us to seek Your face and turn from our evil and wicked ways, so You will hear from heaven and heal our land. 2 chronicle7:14. Forgive us, LORD, for battling one another over minor disagreements instead of being united in our prayers and quest to see Your will done on earth 🌎. Help us to be indignant over what the enemy is doing. Help us to have a passion to see Your will done. Enable us to be led by Your Holy Spirit to rise up in prayer. In JESUS name I pray. Amen.


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