
Psalms 119:144 The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting: give me understanding, and I shall live. Because the accuracy of God's Word is everlasting and is not an opinion, we need to ask God for understanding. To experience the fullness of life that God has to offer us, and to experience the fullness of a spiritual life with Christ we need to have spiritual understanding of what is God's way and what is God's best. Sin and the resulting wrong philosophies and opinions of the world and of people in the church who lack understanding makes it easy for us to have the wrong understanding. Therefore it is important for us, over and over throughout our life span, to ask God for understanding. We need to understand the examples of right and wrong actions that God gives to us in the Bible so that we can learn from them. We get experience one of two ways - 1) by observing the lives of others: their mistakes and failures. 2) The hard way by the school of hard knocks in our own life. If we ask God for understanding, we can gain experience the easy way through the testimonies of the Bible. Since true understanding is a gift from God, when we try to use our human understanding to understand His word, we will get far enough ahead to get proud of ourselves, and have others admiring our understanding. Then, at some critical time, our "natural" understanding will fail us, and we will fall flat on our nose.


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