A good woman walks.


The treasure of a good woman is to give God the fruits of your day. 
What's your morning routine?
 How do you start your day? 

I believe God can teach you to be a good woman. 

Remain in God's presence
Devote your entire day to praising, worshiping God. Continue in prayer. Remove sin from your life because habitual sin hardens your heart and repent because sin takes us away from the Lord. Make yourself available to the Lord. Matthew 22:37. 

I want to spend the time to thank God through the Holy Spirit and Jesus our Lord for giving me this opportunity to write this blog and to share it with you and your family. 

Since 2009 I have known that God is working on my life and making a good woman for His glory. I had started to know Him by reading my Bible and spending quality time with Him. I started to know Him and love Him at the same time. And started to write love letters to God. I started to understand his character, and accepted his love for me even though I couldn’t comprehend it. He didn’t hide his character from me. He started to teach me a lot of things, blessing me with understanding wisdom and knowledge by reading many books alone with the bible. I started to see things differently and on another level. I started to understand what it means to have a personal relationship with Him. And I never stopped learning until now, and I will continue till the end. The most important thing is that God never leaves me alone in the path. That’s why I want to share my knowledge and understanding with you. In Jesus name. 

The duty of a good woman is to be caring, compassionate, and nurturing. She should prioritize the well-being of her family and loved ones. A good woman is also responsible and diligent in her work or profession. She strives to be a positive influence and role model for others. A good woman is respectful and kind in her interactions with others. She is supportive of those around her and listens attentively to their needs. A good woman also takes care of herself and prioritizes her own personal growth and happiness. She is resilient and adaptable when faced with challenges. A good woman seeks to make a positive impact on the world around her.
A good woman embodies qualities such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and faithfulness. She is kind, selfless, and dedicated to the well-being of others. She has a strong moral compass and upholds high ethical standards. She is trustworthy and reliable, always doing what is right even in challenging circumstances. She is a role model, admired for her inner strength and grace. She became a virtuous woman displaying humility and gratitude, demonstrating appreciation for life's blessings. She is diligent in her responsibilities, whether in her personal relationships, professional endeavors, or community involvement. A virtuous woman's character is marked by love, kindness, and self-discipline. Developing self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Embrace and express your authentic self. Practice empathy and compassion towards others. Cultivate healthy relationships and prioritize communication and understanding. Set and pursue personal goals to fulfill your potential. Strive for continual growth and learning. Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Practice good judgment and make wise decisions. Promote self-sufficiency and assert your own dignity. Treat others with respect and kindness.

Being a good woman is a decision and a choice at the same time. You have to be willing to make the effort each day, when you wake up out of your bed. Every area of your life people have to see quality in character, strength, and morality. What quality means is to set apart from everyone else, it’s a mindset to walk into God's divine characteristics. Many women in the Bible have chosen this path. When you study the life of Hanna, she chose to pray for a son. During that time, God found pleasure in her life. Ruth was loyal to her mother-in-law. She promised to share her lifestyle and beliefs. This shows her strength and virtuous character. Esther stayed faithful to her uncle and with her kindness in the palace became queen because she found favor before God. You would ask how and why because of her decision and choices to be and walk as a good and virtuous woman. The last woman I’m going to talk about is Mary. Mary the mother of Jesus. This woman poured her heart out. That’s the last category of a good and virtuous woman. Every day, these women choose to be different. Despite facing challenges, they strive to live as good and virtuous women. Advertisements play a prominent role in our daily lives. They choose to keep their eyes on God and God gave them the character, strength and morality to sustain. Without God's strength and abilities you can’t do it you need that energy. That’s why I said let God make you a good and virtuous woman. Every day you choose to spend time with Him and to study the bible. It’s a choice and a decision to become a good and virtuous woman. It's hard work, but the bible tells us that we can do all things to Jesus that strengthen us. 

Now I’m going to talk about embracing your weaknesses. 

So let’s read 2 Corinthians 12:9, but He said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Now the question is why are we so afraid of our weaknesses? When you continue to read, Paul says he will boast in his weaknesses so that Jesus' power may be with him. We should think the same. Allow God to use your weaknesses. He will not use your weaknesses against you; He will use them to make you better. I want to share another verse with you again. Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, the builder’s labor is in vain. Wow, when I read this verse from the Bible I couldn’t comprehend it. What this verse really means is you should always be willing for God to interrupt your plans. You can build up your life and set goals for yourself then all of your work is in vain unless God is part or the author of that process. If He calls you a good and virtuous woman, God is going to need to be shaping you, and instructing you, through wisdom. 

Now, let's delve into the topic of wisdom.

Wisdom is the ability to discern and apply knowledge, experience, and understanding in a thoughtful and insightful manner. 

Let see James 1:5 what it says. If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God. Seeking wisdom, it is important and where you look for wisdom matters. Because God says that if you want wisdom, all you have to do is ask, and He will give it generously. As you read the Bible, pray, and surround yourself with godly women. As a woman of God, seek his wisdom above all others. The wisdom of God will never fail you. Why waste your energies on the things you can’t care for now? This question is for you who have a good and virtuous woman calling in your life. Instead of spending today concerned about tomorrow, just take it one day at a time. Choose to be present today, choose to live in today. Jesus tells us not to worry about the future. Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. This verse is the most important part of a virtuous woman's path of walking with God. Be honest with yourself about how you love others. There is no greater commitment or decision you can dedicate your life to than seeking Jesus. Living with Jesus at your center means your entire life revolves around him. It means seeking his wisdom rather than the wisdom of man. Jesus himself says you have nothing to worry about when you are focused on him. Matthew 6:33 but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and All these things will be given to you as well. Lead by example and practice kindness and compassion in your own interactions. Show empathy and understanding towards others. Pay attention and show understanding and acceptance of their emotions. Encourage acts of kindness by initiating them yourself. Spread positivity and encouragement in your words and actions. Teach the value of kindness and compassion to children and others around you. Volunteer for causes that support kindness and compassion. Share: Create a supportive and inclusive environment in your community. Use social media and other platforms to share messages of kindness and compassion.

Living in harmony with others:

Developing yourself:

1. Set goals and create a plan to achieve them.
2. Continuously learn and acquire new knowledge and skills.
3. Seek feedback and work on areas of improvement.
4. Push yourself outside your comfort zone.
5. Take care of your physical and mental well-being.
6. Cultivate positive habits and routines.
7. Surround yourself with supportive and inspiring people.
8. Reflect on your experiences and learn from setbacks.
9. Embrace challenges and see them as opportunities for growth.
10. Stay focused and committed to your personal development journey.

Your parents

1. Spend quality time with them regularly.
2. Show love, respect, and appreciation for their efforts.
3. Help with household chores and daily tasks.
4. Listen to their needs and concerns.
5. Ensure they have a clean, safe, and comfortable living environment.
6. Assist in managing their medical needs and appointments.
7. Encourage a healthy lifestyle by providing nutritious meals and regular exercise.
8. Arrange for social interactions and activities to prevent loneliness.
9. Ensure they have access to necessary financial resources and support.
10. Be patient, understanding, and empathetic towards their difficulties.


Make prioritizing quality time together your top focus. Engage in open communication and actively listen. Show appreciation and gratitude. Support each other. Find a healthy work-life balance. Encourage individual pursuits and personal growth. Work together and share the responsibility of completing household tasks. Show affection and love through both words and actions. Be patient, understanding, and forgiving. Make decisions as a family and involve everyone in the process.


-Show genuine interest in their well-being
-Listen to them without judgment
-Offer support and empathy
-Be available and accessible when they need someone to talk to
-Respect their boundaries and privacy
-Be reliable and dependable
-Celebrate their achievements and milestones
-Be understanding and patient
-Offer assistance when they need it, whether it's practical help or emotional support.
-Be non-judgmental and accepting of their choices and decisions.


It is important to respect the privacy and boundaries of others, including your sisters. Instead of trying to take or possess them, focus on building a healthy and positive relationship. Treat them with kindness, empathy, and understanding. Communication is key - talk to them, listen to their thoughts and feelings, and offer support when needed. Show genuine interest in their lives and engage in activities that you both enjoy. Be there for them without trying to control or possess them. Remember, a strong bond is built on trust, mutual respect, and love.


1. Show love and affection.
2. Communicate and listen to each other.
3. Show support and be there for them.
4. Share responsibilities and work as a team.
5. Respect their decisions and boundaries.
6. Be understanding and empathetic.
7. Take care of their physical and emotional needs.
8. Encourage self-care habits.
9. Let's come up with a plan to spend some incredible quality time together.
10. Be patient and forgiving.


1. Communicate openly and honestly.
2. Respect their opinions and ideas.
3. Collaborate and share responsibilities.
4. Be a team and offer help when needed.
5. Maintain a positive attitude and keep a professional demeanor.
6. Be a good listener and show genuine interest in their work.
7. Be proactive in resolving conflicts or misunderstandings.
8. Foster a supportive and inclusive work environment.
9. Celebrate successes and recognize their contributions.
10. Be mindful of their boundaries and personal space.

The saints

Respect their beliefs and values.
Be open to learning about their faith.
Participate in their religious practices if comfortable.
Engage in respectful and meaningful conversations.
Avoid imposing your own beliefs or criticizing their faith.
Build positive relationships with Christians.
Be curious and ask questions to understand their perspective.
Show kindness and compassion towards Christians.
Seek common ground and focus on shared values.
Remember to be tolerant and accepting of different beliefs.


1. Believe in Jesus and his teachings.
2. Study the Bible to understand Jesus' message and principles.
3. Pray regularly to develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
4. Follow Jesus' example by loving others, practicing forgiveness, and showing compassion.
5. Attend church or join a Christian community to connect with others who follow Jesus.
6. Serve others in Jesus' name by participating in charitable activities and volunteering.
7. Share the good news of Jesus with others by spreading his message of love, hope, and salvation.
8. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit when making decisions and facing challenges.
9. Trust in Jesus' guidance and surrender your life to his will.
10. Live a life that honors Jesus and reflects his teachings in your words and actions.

In summary, a good woman and virtuous woman is a symbol of dignity, strength and love.

Thank you for taking your time and energy to read my blog. I appreciate it very deeply and together, we can make a difference and achieve the desired outcome. GOD bless. Be love and be safe.


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