My Story.

 Today I want to share my story. For those of you that have never been through tough times or harsh days and for those who have been there. I want you to know everything does happen for a reason. I mean everything. There was a time in my life when I couldn't understand or accept everything that was going on in my life. I was questioning God every single day. Why, why, why. All those times God was shaping me up for the woman that I am today. God taught me how to trust Him and realized on Him. I remembered my second child, and I thank God the father for blessing me with three beautiful children. In a bad marriage that I chose not merely was God's will for my life, you would ask how I know it wasn't God? Because I didn't pray or ask Him if that was His will for my life. #big mistakes. So over the years I learned how important it is to wait on God's timing. I went to do my will, but it wasn't God's will for me. One night my newborn son had a fever during the night I ran to Walgreens around 2-3 am. When I got the cashier's check my card declined. And I turned around to look at the line Who can help to purchase the medicine, and the line was full of people waiting. In my mind I said this people might think I'm homeless. I left the store and drove home crying. And you would ask again he's a newbie, why didn't I go to the hospital with the child? That would be the last thing in my mind. Because what was really in my mind is my child well. The hospital never crossed my mind. Because I don't believe in doctors. God was preparing me for this day so that I could share this story with you. That's why I mentioned earlier that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes when you are in a situation it's not that there's no way out of it, but your mind focuses on one thing. That prevents you from making a forward move. I got home and I took my child, put him in my chest and I fell asleep. The next day when I woke up my baby was well. And I give God the praise and honor that only He deserves that morning. My son's fever went away without any medicine after I cried and prayed to God. Do you believe me? That was my first experience with my God. From that experience, God wanted to teach me two things. First, never judge someone that asked in the streets because one night I was one of them too. Gives to those in need and the second lesson I've learned is to trust Him no matter what happens or comes my way. I want you to know no matter what happens or any challenges that you are facing today, or you feel like you are in a dark place, just trust in God. Amen 🙌🏾. GOD is able to deliver you out of them all. Trust Him with all of your heart.


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