Don’t judge me, you don’t know my story.

 Once upon a time, there was a person who was constantly judging me. They would criticize my every move, finding fault in everything I did. Their judgmental stare made me feel small and worthless. And I started pray to God for help. It seemed as though they were always searching for reasons to put me down. Their words were like daggers, piercing through my confidence and self-esteem. Their judgment attitude was relentless, never letting up even for a moment. It felt like they were on a mission to make me feel miserable and inadequate. But I refused to let their judgment define me. I found strength within, and I surrounded myself with people who uplifted and supported me. Slowly but surely, I learned to ignore their judgment and embrace my true worth. From my experience I can tell you judging others is both harmful and unfair. It is important to remember that everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, beliefs, and actions, and it is not our place to pass judgment on them. Instead, pray for them and we should focus on empathy, understanding, and promoting a culture of acceptance and respect. Because judging leads to misunderstanding and divisions. We should avoid judging others because we don’t have all the information about a person’s life or circumstances. That’s where it truly went wrong. The person that you are judging has his or her own shoes, to walk through, and I don’t think you can wear their shoes. So why judging? Everyone has their own unique experiences and struggles. To all believers who feel the need to judge others, please remember that judging will not help liberate your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Back to the story, In the end, their judgment had no power over me. And I thrived despite their negativity. 

So my advice for everyone is recognizing our own flaws and imperfections should make us more empathetic towards others. And we focus on understanding and supporting others instead of passing judgement. 

God bless!.


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