My weight loss journal

I want to thank everyone that takes the opportunity to read this blog. Inside this blog lies my weight loss journal, chronicling my struggles throughout the years with absolute authenticity. I know everyone's body is different, but we could suffer from similar problems, symptoms, anxiety, things, but heal differently. We need to listen to our body and learn how to understand it. I struggled a lot at that point because I didn’t know how to listen to my body, but I know my body is speaking to me. In this blog I want to share with you my experience of how I get to listen to my body and pay a lot of attention.

Gained weight.

My weight started with my first child from 120 pounds to 150 pounds and my second from 150 pounds to 175 pounds and my third child from 175 pounds to 191 pounds. That's when the struggling body weight begins. Between weighing 150 pounds and 175 pounds, I was able to keep track of my weight. However, I lost track when my weight reached 191 pounds. I started to feel unsure about what my body needs me to do. But I know that my body is trying to communicate with me, I just need to pay attention. For example, the Holy Spirit speaks to us every day, but sometimes we don’t hear. First, we hear the Holy Spirit speaks through the Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:14-17). The word of God, hidden in our hearts (PS. 119:11), can help to keep us on the path that leads to life and the same has when we listen to our body can remain strong and healthy. I weighed 191 pounds, which is considered obese. This meant I was in trouble. I was diagnosed with level 3 hypertension. It was a wake-up call for me, so I started being careful about what I eat. Cut off sodas, sugary juice, white flour bread, pasta, white rice, oil, white salt, restaurant food…etc. and started to create my crazy recipes. and juicing fruits and vegetables. From that moment my body started to respond back to me little by little, not fully healthy but feeling better. Then I realized I had a lot of work to do to stay on track with my weight loss journal. My body was telling me from the food that I’ve been feeding myself it’s not a weight loss journal any more it’s a lifestyle journal to eat healthy and clean. Avoid dairy products, crazy pills, alcohol, canned food, diet sodas, foods with added sugar such as cookies, cake, ice cream, candy, sugary breakfast cereals, and flavored yogurt. And foods with added salt chips, pretzels, breads, crackers, canned soup, and processed snacks. Also, foods refined carbohydrates, white breads, White Rice, French fries. Lastly, let's not forget about processed meats. Cold cuts, hot dogs, sausage, bacon, beef jerky. Etc.This type of food just wrecks your body and increases levels of inflammation and weight gain. Bid farewell to added sugars and bid farewell to both your prominent belly and excess fat. Easy way to stop eating so much sugar it’s to prepare your homemade food and by blending up homemade smoothies.

Create healthy habits

When I started making meals at home with no restaurant food I saw the change, and I came up with my own crazy recipes. So my first recipe was vegetable soup. Then I started juicing on the third strategy. I’m going to share with you my sample recipes I did to continue maintaining my weight loss journal and lifestyle habits. I noticed that my body reacted differently to certain meals. So, I started paying more attention to this and giving my body the nutrients it needs. I realized eating it’s not just eating, but it’s a nutritious thing for us. I usually hear some people say food is a medicine and I discovered that is true indeed because I am in the process too. God created food, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and trees, for a purpose: to nourish our body, soul, and spirit.That’s why it’s very important to listen to your body what type of vegetables and fruits and also grains that go with your body, sometimes you hear people allergy to certain foods it’s because they don’t listen to their body, I discovered there certain tea trees. vegetables, oils…etc. that I can’t contain them because my body don’t perform well with them. Not paying attention to our body can harm it. I realized this after being more mindful of what I eat.Starting today pay closer attention to your body care because our body does speak to us and also sends signals when something is wrong through our brain. So many things can throw our bodies out of equilibrium. For example, a belly bloat is one sometimes that can feel like it will never go away. Whether you're experiencing it or not, dealing with period symptoms can be caused by factors such as consuming excessive salty food, irregular eating habits, fast food, and excessive alcohol consumption. 

On my next blog post I want to teach you how to reduce bloating as quickly as possible from the best food to reduce gas.


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