

How do you define forgiveness? As a believer, we learn that forgiveness is the most important thing in our walking with the Lord. And we have a command to forgive 777 times in one day. The question is who does that lol, I know I don't, but we should. So now let's identify that Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a powerful act of letting go and moving on. It involves releasing resentment or anger towards someone who has wronged you. It is not about condoning or forgetting the actions, but rather choosing to no longer hold onto negative feelings. Forgiveness can bring emotional healing and promote inner peace. It can also improve relationships and foster reconciliation. Forgiving someone does not mean you have to reconcile or trust them again. It is a personal choice that can benefit your own well-being. Self-forgiveness is also important in order to let go of guilt and self-blame. Another for us to have a pure heart before our God. Like they say let go and let God. We need to practice that every day let go and let God. Amen.


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