Do you feel lost ?

 Today I want to encourage you to draw near to God every day of your life. For he is your shepherd the Bible tell us in Psalm 23:1. GOD is watching over you. When we are lost He is always searching for us. I also want to encourage you to stay close to God and don’t let anything or anyone pull you away from following God. Believe when I tell you, the Lord is your shepherd. He meets all of your needs even though you don’t see it, feel it, or acknowledge it, but God does meet all our needs. God gives us rest, guides us, revitalizes us, grants us righteousness, comforts us, shields us from fear, defends us against our enemies, provides us with an abundance and fulfilling life. All of this, God does for us every single day. We simply need to cultivate a grateful heart to recognize the actions of God in our lives. 

Let us pray 🙏🏾 now. 

Holy Father, thank You for being my shepherd. Such love is almost more than I can fathom. And yet I believe that You keep Your promises. Thank You for promising to search for me, seek me out, care for me, feed me, and deliver me. I know You will carry me when I cannot walk and lead me when I am unsure of my way. I trust You with my very life. In Jesus Christ name. Amen 🙏🏾. 


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