The single mother journey.


A single mom loves her child unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

If you want to be a good mother for your kids, then you must be good to yourself as well. Showing a kid's love is what separates a good mother from the great mothers. Many children are abandoned by their parents from birth, leaving them with emotional scars that continue to affect them throughout their lives. The trauma they experience often results in unhealthy parents' patterns of behavior. Great mothers love their kids more than they love anything else in the world. Isaiah 43:4 says that you are precious and honored in the sight of God. Because God loves you, He is willing to exchange people and nations for your life. That’s how GOD almighty feels about us, and we should feel the same about our children. 
And I dedicate this blog to all the single mothers that are going through the same thing with me. Remember the word of GOD tells us in Proverbs 22:6 train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 

How many great mothers in this world these days? 
What kind of example are you to your sons and daughters?
When I get to those questions I pause. That's my biggest fear. The mother's provides more than simply nourishment and care for the baby. I wanted to be a good mother to my kids, but I did not know how to do it. From all of my journey as a single mother I’m terrified all the time about what I’m doing wrong. If I'm doing a great job, if I’m messing up the kid’s life, am I doing the right thing, teaching them right, communicating with them the right way, all of this thing constantly in my mind. Every time I’m looking at them. And I remember it is written in the Bible. I am filled with joy when I hear that my children are following the right path. I use prayer to protect my children from any obstacles that could prevent them from fulfilling their destiny. The weapon of prayer is a vital and powerful tool in shaping our children’s future. 
I want my kids to experience joy, and it is my desire to do so. However, I am worried that I may not be doing it correctly. Therefore, I have started seeking help from God. I ask God for guidance on everything related to my children because the Bible teaches us that children are a gift from the Lord, as mentioned in Psalm 127:3-5. So, most of the time I don’t know what to do with them. I called HIM for help. How to properly take care of them physically, spiritually and mentally. Sometimes God will use our life as a model of things to come so others who come after us will have an example to follow. Our children are taking mental notes and will follow in our steps. Another way for them to make me a proud mother I have to feed them properly the Bible Hebrew 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” And says children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. It is one thing for our children to hear us speak about faith, but it leaves a permanent impression when they see us parents standing in faith. For it is in this act that real strength, good character, and truth are displayed. And one thing for sure I know that I’m doing right is to teach the way of GOD and that is the key. I always teach them Exodus 20:12 from the Bible Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your GOD is giving you. I don't want to make my kids frustrated. Instead, I want to raise them according to the teachings of the LORD. I want to do it correctly, as mentioned in Ephesians 6:4. And the more important thing is how to discipline a child and that’s where most parents fall and give up on their children. Proverbs 13:24 tells us whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him and that’s my fear really. The way you discipline your child and that’s how he or she goes out in the world. And I want to do it correctly without any mistakes whatsoever. I'm not worried about being single or raising my children alone because I know I have support. GOD is with me every second and every step of the way, and it is up to me to follow HIM.  None of my focus was that but is more on how to discipline them correctly for the world. I loved and enjoyed living with my kids. I had the idea that I needed a man for everything, but now I realize it's just an excuse. As long as I have faith in God, a stable job, good financial management, and focus on myself and my children, I can do well on my own. With prayer the help of the Holy Spirit through GOD. And first, you have to learn how to listen, obey and follow directions. After that trust me you are good to go, you and your children will be alright. 
The best way to learn about each kid's character depends on how many kids you have. I have three. Support them emotionally, listen to them, be their best friend at the same time and their parents. Teaching them wise, how to acknowledge GOD every single day and how to put HIM first on everything they are doing. Like that GOD is going to take full control of them, and you will have the best children on earth. 

 Single motherhood is a challenging and demanding journey. It requires great strength, resilience, and determination. Despite the hardships, many single mothers have managed to create fulfilling lives for themselves and their children. They have to take on multiple roles, acting as both breadwinners and caregivers. Single mothers often face financial struggles, juggling work and childcare responsibilities. Despite these challenges, they demonstrate incredible love and commitment to their children. Single mothers are capable of overcoming obstacles and providing a stable and loving environment for their families. Their journey is a testament to their resilience and the power of maternal love.


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