Destroyed Defenses

 If you live without restraint and are unable to control your temper, you’re as helpless as a city with broken-down defenses, open to attack. Proverbs 25:28. 

Pray with Me. 

God, I’m heartbroken over how easily I can lose my temper. I want nothing more than to please You and bring You glory. Anger boils over so quickly, through Your Spirit, I know I can overcome it. Give me the courage to repent freely, and give me the strength to resist. Give me the grace and the power to restrain my anger and demonstrate Your kindness at all times. In Jesus Christ name. Amen 🙏🏾 

Soul care.

When your heart overflows with understanding you'll be very slow to get angry. But if you have a quick temper, your impatience will be quickly seen by all. Proverbs 14:29.


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