

So now let's talk about patience throughout my life. I struggle with being patient, and I need Jesus to help me. I want to understand what patience really means. Patience is a trait that allows us to endure and persevere in difficult situations. It helps us stay calm and maintain self-control, even when faced with challenges. Cultivating patience can lead to better decision-making and reduce stress levels. It is important in building strong relationships and effective communication. Patience allows us to accept the things we cannot change and have faith that things will work out in due time. It helps us maintain a positive mindset and not rush into impulsive actions. Practicing patience can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of fulfillment in life. How did you practice your patience? . I need you to go over your life and find out everywhere you could have been patient, but you did not, or you had lost control. Then you are going to start to have patience like me, I am trying now. Let's try it together.


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